Hair Mineral Analysis

Hair Mineral Analysis

Trace mineral analysis is a test which measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of the hair reflects the mineral content of the body’s tissues. If a mineral deficiency or excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess within the body, or bio-unavailability.

Examples: If your hair reveals elevated calcium level two or three times normal, then your calcium level within the body may be elevated also. If this is the case, a strong tendency exists for arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to calcium plaques).

If your calcium level is low, then a tendency exists toward osteoporosis (demineralization of bone), increase tendency to bone fractures, dental caries, periodontal disease, muscle cramps, etc.



Minerals are the “sparkplugs” of life. They are involved in almost all enzyme reactions within the body. Without enzyme activity, life ceases to exist. A trace mineral analysis is preventive as well as being useful as a screening tool.


Any one who is found ill and no explanation can be found, or when the cause seems to be found but the therapy is not wholly effective. Hair analysis opens up a whole new vista for solving your own particular problem by recognizing your biochemical individuality.


Taking vitamins and minerals which are not compatible with your current body chemistry


We prefer the use of hair tests to blood tests because we feel they are more accurate indicators of the overall metabolic trends in the body. When you understand how the blood operates, you will see why we say this.

Blood is a transportation medium. It is the “high way system” of the body. The components of our blood must remain fairly stable at all times – or you would die. Acidity, alkalinity, levels of certain nutrients, etc., all must remain within fairly tight limits. This equilibrium or balance, is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT TO YOUR HEALTH

Two Examples of Problems that a Blood Test could miss that a Hair Test Would Catch……..

First example: Your blood test shows adequate levels of calcium. Does this mean your calcium metabolism is good? Not necessarily. It could be that your body is robbing calcium from your bones and teeth to support a major organ. A hair test would show the actual mineral status of your tissues. A blood test could miss it.

Second example: After a person ingests lead, a poisonous metal, the lead levels in the blood stay high for about 30 days. Then the lead disappears. Is it gone? Is the person out of danger? No. The answer is that the lead has now been removed from the blood. It is being stored in the tissues and would show up in a hair test – not a blood test.

Another quick example: If someone insulted you and got you upset, your blood chemistry, in some ways, could change within seconds. A test taken at this time would not be completely accurate. By contrast your hair is more stable. It takes several weeks to change the basic mineral pattern of your hair. We are not saying that blood tests do not have value when properly interpreted. What we are saying is that hair tests can reveal to us more information.

For this reason, we tend to prefer hair tests


  • The Biology of the Trace Elements – Karl Schutte-J B Lippincott
  • Clinical Significance of the Essential Biological Metals – I J T Davies. Charles C. Thomas
  • Minerals: Kill or Cure? – Adams & Murray
  • Mental and Elemental Nutrients – Carl C. Pleiffer-Keats
  • Trace Substances in Environmental Health – VI&VII-University of Missouri
  • Trace Elements in Health and Disease-Vol.1&2-Academic Press
  • Selenium-National Academy of Sciences
  • Trace Substances and Health-Part 1-Paul M. Newberne



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